My resolution for today is that I will no longer display a look of utter disbelief at those who state they aren't on Facebook. What are they thinking? It's the greatest thing ever. Stay in touch with those you lost touch with over the years (whether or not it was intentional). It's so easy!
But wait. I am being introduced to the world of 'wiki' and I just know that internally I am having the same fears/questions/concerns that my non-facebookers have. So a little more sympathy and/or understanding with be forthcoming, as I attempt to conquer that huge hurdle I have placed in front of my progress (which I have affectionately named 'OMG OMG I have no idea what I am doing').
Instead, I shall make that first move towards my cyberspace future by bravely climbing onto my first step which also has an affectionate name: 'stop being such a 'fraidey cat'.
From a 'speed of light' introduction to wiki creations today, I wrote down enough notes to cover an entire wall of whiteboards. I am pretty sure I can make sense of them later today when I start to decipher the scrawl.
Don't be afraid to ask me for help! I'm here for that and helped a student today with her Wiki. You'll see soon enough that it is a breeze. Your post made me laugh! Keep it up, makes my job interesting :)